Sacred Instrumental Rhythms
In this beginner's course you will learn the first few ways to engage with a drum and create a unique sound with each strike. From there, you will learn "songs" of the drum, the rhythms of life that call to the most raw and primal part of us where music moves the body, the physical form, without prompting, without thought, and without judgment. Release it all to the drum and it will answer your soul.
Who is this course for?
Anyone, Everyone.
Whether you're young or old, the drum was our first instrument as a species and will call to your heart if it is willing and ready to embrace the rhythms of the universe.
If you've drummed for several years or never before, this course will walk you through the fundamentals you need to start finding the rhythms of the earth's elements, and more importantly within yourself. Frequency is another type of rhythm and it is all around us, in the earth, the sun, your heart and its beat. Your personal drum. Your personal rhythm that keeps you alive and going.
Dive deep and find out how to get in touch with it in a drum and bring back the sacred into your daily life.
From Home
Learn the rhythms from the comfort of your own home, at your own pace.
Decades of Experience
Learn from an experienced drummer who has visited Africa, Haiti and other indigenous countries where these rhythms originated.
From Anywhere
Wherever you have access to the videos, or
What You'll Learn
"Even when you think you are doing terrible, he will still encourage you with utmost unlimited patience and positive feedback until you have it, he's a natural at teaching in a really fun way!
And then about allowing us to video the rhythm when you slow it down, and your genuine love of drum rhythms and desires to share and spread it throughout the world." ~ Lyn Cozart